Jupiter, Uranus conjunction in Taurus is coming up on April 17 through 20th.


#astrologytransits #jupiterintaurus #uranusintaurus #jupiteruranusconjunction #aquariusseason #prosperity

♬ original sound – scherezade

Even this transit only last for a couple of days, usually acts as a trigger for events that will develop in the next few months.


At a personal level be aware of changes in areas related to money and material possessions.

Are this going to be positive or negative changes, well with Uranus in the picture you never know what is about to happen, but one thing to turn this to your advantage is to be as open minded as you can so you can see new opportunities coming your way, new avenues for growth.

Maybe a completely different job that what you do now, maybe the loan you are waiting for, maybe redistribution of your resources.

Break free from limiting beliefs about money, prosperity and material possessions, and explore new ways of creating abundance.

Take time to make decisions during this transit as these two planets can lead us to take decisions based on unrealistic scenarios, with super positive outcomes, but the truth is Uranus changes are usually big changes that in most cases cannot be reversed. So don’t rush any decision.

So, it can be something great for you, or something that you think is great for you to take your time before taking decisions.


Al a global level Jupiter Uranus conjunction can bring unexpected changes in financial, money, resources areas, and again this can be positive changes or negative surprises, is the nature of Uranus.

Friction on everything to do with land, borders and frontiers, US and EU frontiers and illegal immigration, middle east conflict with territories compromise like Gaza, Ukraine Russia, China Hong Kong. Etc.…

And last but not least we can also see changes related to food, food supply, food logistics, even technology applied to food development, and lab food maybe available.


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